How to Prevent Overbooking in SQL with Multiple Methods

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In any application involving booking hotel rooms, flight seats, or similar resources, data integrity is crucial to ensure multiple users can’t “claim” the same slot concurrently. We need an effective way to handle concurrency so that two (or more) customers placing a near-simultaneous booking don’t exceed the actual available count.

This post will cover three popular techniques in SQL:

  1. Pessimistic Lock using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.
  2. Optimistic Lock using a version (or timestamp) column.
  3. Transaction Isolation Level, especially SERIALIZABLE.
  4. Advanced solutions, e.g., distributed locks, caching, etc.

Pessimistic Lock: SELECT ... FOR UPDATE

Pessimistic lock assumes “conflicts are likely,” so it locks rows before updating to prevent other transactions from interfering. A typical example in SQL (with InnoDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.) is:

-- Lock the row and read data
SELECT available
FROM rooms
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe'

-- Check if available > 0
UPDATE rooms
SET available = available - 1
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe';

How it works

  • FOR UPDATE locks the matching rows (assuming row-level locking in InnoDB).
  • If another transaction also tries to operate on room_type = 'Deluxe' using a similar statement, it will wait until the first transaction finishes (COMMIT or ROLLBACK).
  • This prevents both transactions from reading available = 5 and decrementing it to 4 and 3, respectively, at the same time. Instead, the second transaction is blocked and only sees the updated state after the first transaction commits.

Pros & Cons

  • Pros:
    • Straightforward and easy to implement.
    • Very clear for preventing concurrency issues.
  • Cons:
    • If there’s a high volume of concurrent updates, this approach may cause blocking (waiting) and degrade performance.
    • At very large scale, pessimistic locking can become a bottleneck.

For small- to medium-sized applications, SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is typically sufficient, ensuring correctness without too much overhead.

Optimistic Lock: Using a version Column

By contrast, Optimistic Lock assumes “conflicts are rare” and doesn’t lock rows during read. Instead, it checks for conflicts at update time by using a version (or timestamp) column to see whether any changes occurred in the meantime.


  1. Create the table with a version column:
	room_type VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,
	available INT NOT NULL,
  1. When reading (before booking), fetch the version:
SELECT available, version
FROM rooms
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe';
-- No FOR UPDATE here
  1. On update, include the old version in the WHERE clause. For instance:
UPDATE rooms
SET available = available - 1,
    version   = version + 1
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe'
  AND version = :old_version
  AND available > 0;

  • If one row is updated, everything is fine (no conflict).
  • If zero rows are updated, it indicates a conflict: someone else has changed version (or available is now zero). The application should then reload the latest data or handle the failure gracefully.

Pros & Cons

  • Pros:
    • No “hard” blocking – others can continue reading/updating.
    • Good for read-heavy, write-light scenarios.
  • Cons:
    • If there are frequent simultaneous writes, many transactions may fail their update and have to retry.
    • Slightly more complex logic, as the application must handle the “0 rows updated” scenario.

Optimistic Lock can offer higher throughput compared to a pessimistic lock when the rate of conflict is low. But if conflicts are common, you may end up handling lots of retries.

Using the Transaction Isolation Level: SERIALIZABLE

Another technique is to run transactions under the highest isolation level: SERIALIZABLE. In this mode, the database ensures the outcome is equivalent to running the transactions sequentially, with no overlaps.


You can change the isolation level when starting the transaction. For example, in MySQL:


SELECT available
FROM rooms
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe';

-- Check and update
UPDATE rooms
SET available = available - 1
WHERE room_type = 'Deluxe';


Pros & Cons

  • Pros:
    • Very robust: the database enforces a “serial” schedule, preventing anomalies.
    • Minimal code changes if everything is done at SERIALIZABLE level.
  • Cons: - Increased blocking or frequent rollbacks due to conflicts at this high level. - Potentially severe performance impact under heavy concurrency. Hence, SERIALIZABLE is chosen sparingly, usually when data integrity is paramount and high contention is less of a concern.

Advanced Solutions: Distributed Locks, Caching, and More

At large scale (multiple database nodes, microservices, or extremely high transaction volume), you may need techniques beyond a single SQL database:

  1. Distributed locks via Redis, ZooKeeper, or Consul.
  2. Message queues to serialize booking requests so that only one booking action is processed at a time.
  3. Eventual consistency models if a small delay in updating availability is acceptable. These techniques can handle throughput beyond the capacity of a single SQL server. They also introduce more complexity and potentially new failure modes (like distributed consensus issues).

Conclusion: Which Method to Choose?

Your choice depends on scale and requirements:

  • Small to Medium: Pessimistic Lock (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE) + transactions is clear, straightforward, and effective.
  • Medium to Larger: Consider Optimistic Lock (version columns) if read volume is high compared to writes, and you can manage potential update failures.
  • Strict Consistency Needs: SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
  • Huge Scale: Look into distributed solutions – locks in Redis, message-queue-based booking, or other microservices patterns.

Regardless of the approach, the core principle remains:

  1. Detect if there is available capacity (e.g., rooms, seats).
  2. Update it atomically (all or nothing).
  3. Ensure that two concurrent transactions can’t both update old data.

Using a single SQL database with transactions can be enough for many use cases. Once the system grows beyond what a single database can handle, you can step into the world of distributed locks and advanced architectures.

Happy reading!